Closed Friday 1/10 Due To Inclement Weather
Snowing Quilt
Snowing Quilt
I'm starting off my post with a great giveaway - because I love getting free fabric as much as the next quilter! This giveaway features 17 fat eighths and an little extra scrappy yardage.
(Giveaway Closed)
First, subscribe to my YouTube Channel (if you haven't already) and watch at least one video (the quilt previews are my favorite).
Then, leave a comment on this post. That's it!
In your comment, you can tell me what video you watched, if there's a video tutorial you'd like me to make, or whatever you want! This fabric bundle is just dying to get to your cutting table so give it a go. Alrighty, onto the pattern.
- 18 Fat Eighths (I'm using Vintage Holiday by Bonnie and Camille)
- 1 1/2 yards neutral fabric
- 1/3 yards fabric for corner stones
- 1 1/3 yards border fabric
- 3/4 yards binding fabric
- 4 yards backing fabric
Having a ruler for squaring up HSTs makes the process of doing them amazing, but it's not necessary. I use this one.
This quilt finishes at 66" x 66".
Lauren Terry